If we were able to clearly see with a spiritual eye into this invisible realm we would see a huge pyramid upon our world. One that would appear under construction but well underway.
It would look awesome and powerful so much that it compels you to stare at its features and bricks in wonder on it. All the elements would somehow be incorporated and you could tell or rather feel that all of mankind was feeding into.
But why is it there? Who built it? What is its purpose?
Remember this is a spiritual undertaking. This construction is not completely manifest physically upon earth yet but the underpinnings are coming together so that when it does manifest, it will compel us in this world as it does in the spirit.
It is there as a seat of power. The very top is empty because something or someone is not there yet.
It is built by little pieces of our compliance to follow it. Look at the back of your dollar. The pyramid and the inscription below it all play into our spiritual trust of how real what we are doing matters. When in truth our spirit does not need structures such as the one being built.
There are other ways that the pyramid strengthens its self but the dollar is the slave within this process. The dollar is the best slave to EVER be enslaved. It says nothing. It doesn't protest as it's gold tie is stripped from it. It is trusted by everyone. It is international and never speaks about who put it into this world or for what purpose because it appears to be working for the holder when it is truly a power siphon. Humans call to it to educate us, feed us, house us, and appease us. We worship it and in turn worship its purpose unknowingly. Thus we feed the larger pyramid in the scheme.
It's purpose is harder to see because nothing like this has happened in humankind before.
The same furvor we apply now to money and getting money will in essence be directed to the top of this structure once it is completed.
This cannot happen now because money is such an integral part of the process now. The dollar/money would have to be removed in order for this capstone to take power. Thus a crash of our financial system will have to happen first. This is well on its way now.
Money is not the only thing building this pyramid up. It is just a mortor like component within the pyramid. The other elements are individual souls and minds. The largest stones are knowledge fields that have become corner stones in research and thus our lives. Like evolutionary theory and the posits of Aristotle and Plato. Darwin is another that comes to mind.
It's strength is formidable which why the only thing that could reverse it would be a world wide recognition of this invisible structure and also the understanding that it needs to change. This would never happen which is the reason that once this is revealed in physical terms we will find it nearly irresistible due to loved ones being a part or the lack of support if it is not followed or even under the threat of death. Humans are out matched in this process because it is fourth dimensional thinking and concepts. We simply are out of our league.
This is why I remain spiritually vigilant. There is zero hope for mankind to solve its own problems.
Apex to Apex
Video of alternate world history
I want to review this video. I have to say that I'm impressed with the production. On the overall information, it is a mix of practically all belief systems. There is a little bit of Jesus, Egyptian theology, global human history, Mother Earth, chakra, aliens, NWO, everything!
To be aware of the things in this video, the makers have had to have some very specific knowledge. I have gotten inspired into discovering the inter connectivity of the NWO, churches, and the saving knowledge of Jesus and how that works.
What most disturbs me about it is that it does give more details to the already complicated picture I had achieved. So it leaves me with questions.
Is this a highly contrived video by the highest elite that is establishing a new age belief system?
They mention Love in the highest regard, so is it intuitive to the lessons of the bible?
For me to accept, it has uphold some basic things and those things relate to the 10 commandments and Jesus two most important commandments, which are Love for God and Love for each other. I have to say that it goes into the very depths on the importance of loving each other but is very light on the love for God... Especially where it comes to Jesus, even though he is mentioned. Jesus is mentioned as a significant part of the process but not as leading the charge to our understanding of God.
I have always said that Satan's lies always include a measure of truth mixed with a distracting untruth. Satan is very good at what he does and I do believe that this movie reveals a lot of information that mankind has just missed, but there is something skewed about it.
It is quite entertaining in its presentation and the direction of its target. It appeals to the growing segment of people who have been turned off by traditional religion and have started learning about chakras and eastern traditions because the western spell is being broken.
Christianity is a very strong belief system. Satan must flood it to a certain degree. The first flood was just the sheer availability all over the world of the story of Jesus and the Hebrews. The second flood is to broaden the story with Christian elements inside of it.
This video is an example of the later and one of the first to do it. Will it become mainstream? We will have to see.
The oddest thing is the fact that the belief system behind it seems interestingly similar to the structure of the Jehovah's Witnesses. I should know because I was rank and file among that thought process for 30 plus years.
The key to it is how overwhelming the theology is to a newbie which is the appeal to a broken believer. We are heading into a time where there will be many broken believers. It is very possible the people behind this video are hedging their bets. The video is too good although featuring some simple and cute characters.
Unfortunately, there has to be a balance between polish, complexity, and simplicity. As stated in the video itself, there are a few more directions and depths that can be taken from this framework of thought, so don't think this is the only way to approach this vast subject matter.
I am going to go through this video and list all names associated with it. The author has a lot of respect for those who contributed to it, so I will list those individuals or bodies.
Pyramids of Giza
precession of the equinox
Ancient cuniform tablets found in ancient biblical cities
Zecharia Sitchin
Adamus (Count St. Germain)
Tiamat, nibiru, Nephilim
Adam and Eve
Children of Lemuria
Easter island
World War I
Naacals, today Accended Masters
Tree of life
Island of Udal off of Atlantis
Serpent of Light, Drunvalo Melchizedek
Troano Document
Lucifer Experiment, Creation is just conciousness creating and inhabitting itself in that creation
Lucifer is just another means of percieving the reality
Flower of life pattern, The lucifer unraveling
Nova, planetary magnetics
Star tetrahedron
Merkaba, Chariot of Assension
Thome, Thoth's father
Poseidon, city on Udal, Atlantis
Pole Shift
Edgar Cayce
New age
Charles Hapgoode
Allendale SC, Topper
Tantric interdimensional sex meditation
Unity Conciousness
Bermuda Triangle
Weird diseases
11th and 12th dimensions
Christ's Conciousness... (not Christian)
Conciousness Grids, (plan from higher levels)
critical mass
Field of Noetics, IONS, institute of Noetic Sciences
mass conciousness
Nodal points
astral projection
Giza plateu, Khem
Solar Cross
Richard Hoagland
Ley lines
Emerald Tablets
Alchemical transmutation
Missing capstone
Hall of Records
?Lesson 11?
phi/golden Ratio
Christgrid activated 1989
the Greys
peruvian woman
electromagnetic null zone
memories wiped
island of the sun, bolivia
DNA, soul's physical aspect
Indigo and crystal children
Chromosome 46 & 2
abu simbel
Stair step evolution
Tat, toth's son, the Tat brotherhood
paramount pictures
Stone stealy
Larry Hunter
Coynestone, Transylvanian sunrise, Cinamar
Synthetic tools, hook, flagyl
Mystery schools
Dreamtime memory
king menes
300 immortals who went beyond egypt... i am assuming, these are the progenitors of the 300 families who control the world.
Hermes Trismegistus
Essene Brotherhood
Mary and joseph of the Essene brotherhood
Yeshua Ben-Hur
Eighteen absent years of Jesus Christ, LLoyd Kenyon Jones
Lords prayer
Bodie McCoy
Councel of Nicea 300ad
Mayan Calendar
Yucatan Peninsula
13 families
Secret Societies
Jordan Duchnycz
Josef Dolezal
Andrew S. Golden
Drunvalo Melchizidek
OK! Above are the lion's share of the subjects that are brought out in this short film. I would say it is an impressive list of information. After looking more into the details of what is being discussed, It appears to be a very nicely done misdirection for anyone seeking God.
Let me make clear that it is expressed as just a theory... understood; but, this is a very provocative theory with some pretty attractive presentation. Ultimately, this will work to take Jordan a little further up the food chain.
Ultimately, this vid is simply disinformation. It takes the proper focus off of Jesus and the Father of creation and puts in its place the Tat brotherhood and Merkaba. The basis of the understanding is rooted in a foggy look at the higher dimensions.
My theory is that there is no more than 7 dimensions total. Existence is determined in the 0 dimension. The material world we are in is the 3rd. The spirit world is in the 4th dimension and the odd unexplained things happen between the 3rd and 4th dimensions; no further. Heaven's gate is the 5th; represented shabbily on earth as the Sphinx and in the bible as the 4 headed Cherubs. Holy Spirit is in the 6th dimension. Finally, God himself is the 7th dimension. If you count dimension from 0 to 7, it adds to eight dimensions; and 0 to 3 dimensions parallel 4 to 7; like two pancakes on top of each other. Each spiritual dimension has their synthetic/material counterpart. We are made in God's image because our plane of existence is synthetically parallel to his but we are separated because we are on the other side of his spiritual plane. Two sets of seasonal changes could also parallel this idea.
The video argues that mankind's memory has been lost due to this interaction between spirit and synthetic and electromagnetic darkness. Is it true, maybe, but no amount of memory loss; even if mass can erase God's love. It may erase the love to each other sadly. This video doesnt tackle that.
I was initially impressed with the amount of information that was presented and how well it was put together. I still think the polish and animation of this is great BUT the information presented is very Satanic in origin. It is the first of what appears to be a push to repackage Satan's machinations for this new change coming upon the earth. Will it work? Time will tell!
Oh yeah, and the big change is not a new conciousness. It is the opening of the next Seal that Jesus has in his hands. Satan is just trying to brand it before it occurs.
Be well and stay prayed up people!
Why Jesus had to die
This was an interesting explanation of Jesus atonement and death that seemed to strike a cord with me and thought I would post it here.
When Adam chose to obey Satan, he became Satan’s slave. “Know ye not that to whom ye yield yourselves servants (slaves) to obey, his servants ye are?” Rom. 6:16. As a slave of Satan, Adam lost all of his legal rights, not only to his person but also to his domain. This gave Satan legal authority to rule over man and the earth. If Satan’s dominion was to be revoked, a way had to be found to redeem fallen man and recover his lost authority without violating universal principles of justice. Since Satan was now legitimate possessor of Adam and the legal ruler of the earth, God had no moral right, under His code of justice, to arbitrarily annul it.
Thus a member of Adam’s race had to be found who could qualify to enter suit in universal court and wrest Adam’s lost heritage and dominion from Satan. The government of the earth had been given to man. It was lost by man. It could only be recovered ONLY by a man. But where was the man who could do this? Since Adam was Satan’s slave, all of his progeny were likewise Satan’s slaves. A slave has no legal standing and cannot enter court or lawfully participate in litigation. Thus no son of Adam could qualify to enter the contest. A member of the human race had to be found upon whom Satan had no claim, one who could qualify to bring suit to cancel Satan’s legal jurisdiction over mankind and the earth.
The Problem Solved: The Incarnation
God found a way. “when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons” (Gal. 4:4). Since Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit He was NOT the fallen son of Adam. Therefore Satan had no claim upon Him. But because He was “made of a woman” He was an authentic human being and could therefore qualify as a bona fide member of the human race to enter the legal fight to reclaim Adam’s lost estate.
When Adam chose to obey Satan, he became Satan’s slave. “Know ye not that to whom ye yield yourselves servants (slaves) to obey, his servants ye are?” Rom. 6:16. As a slave of Satan, Adam lost all of his legal rights, not only to his person but also to his domain. This gave Satan legal authority to rule over man and the earth. If Satan’s dominion was to be revoked, a way had to be found to redeem fallen man and recover his lost authority without violating universal principles of justice. Since Satan was now legitimate possessor of Adam and the legal ruler of the earth, God had no moral right, under His code of justice, to arbitrarily annul it.
Thus a member of Adam’s race had to be found who could qualify to enter suit in universal court and wrest Adam’s lost heritage and dominion from Satan. The government of the earth had been given to man. It was lost by man. It could only be recovered ONLY by a man. But where was the man who could do this? Since Adam was Satan’s slave, all of his progeny were likewise Satan’s slaves. A slave has no legal standing and cannot enter court or lawfully participate in litigation. Thus no son of Adam could qualify to enter the contest. A member of the human race had to be found upon whom Satan had no claim, one who could qualify to bring suit to cancel Satan’s legal jurisdiction over mankind and the earth.
The Problem Solved: The Incarnation
God found a way. “when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons” (Gal. 4:4). Since Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit He was NOT the fallen son of Adam. Therefore Satan had no claim upon Him. But because He was “made of a woman” He was an authentic human being and could therefore qualify as a bona fide member of the human race to enter the legal fight to reclaim Adam’s lost estate.
Daniel and the Seventy Weeks
There is a wonderfully written and detailed article that describes the 70 weeks prophecy and I agree with it.
In summation, the seventy sevens unfold as follows
587 B.C. ("Issuing the Word to restore & rebuild Jerusalem")
-49 years ("seven sevens")
538 B.C. ("an anointed one, a prince"; Cyrus)
(gap of unspecified duration)
440 B.C. ("street and moat return in time of distress")
-434 years ("sixty-two sevens")
6 B.C. (birth of "Messiah," Jesus Christ)
(gap of unspecified duration)
Events specified ("after the sixty-two sevens"):
1) Crucifixion of Messiah
2) Destruction of Jerusalem "until the end"
?? A.D. ("covenant prevailing" with Israel)
+3½ years ("the half of the seven")
?? A.D. ("abomination of desolation")
+3½ years
?? A.D. ("the end"; return of Christ; judgment upon
"the coming prince")
In summation, the seventy sevens unfold as follows
587 B.C. ("Issuing the Word to restore & rebuild Jerusalem")
-49 years ("seven sevens")
538 B.C. ("an anointed one, a prince"; Cyrus)
(gap of unspecified duration)
440 B.C. ("street and moat return in time of distress")
-434 years ("sixty-two sevens")
6 B.C. (birth of "Messiah," Jesus Christ)
(gap of unspecified duration)
Events specified ("after the sixty-two sevens"):
1) Crucifixion of Messiah
2) Destruction of Jerusalem "until the end"
?? A.D. ("covenant prevailing" with Israel)
+3½ years ("the half of the seven")
?? A.D. ("abomination of desolation")
+3½ years
?? A.D. ("the end"; return of Christ; judgment upon
"the coming prince")
Really good explanation of 2520
Ezekiel 2520 yrs.
The Prophet Ezekiel was to act out prophecy with strange performances, one of which was to lie on his side for a total of 430 days. Each day on his side would represent 1 year of judgment on Israel.Ezekiel 4:4 Also lie on your left side, and lay the iniquity of the house of Israel on it; according to the number of days that you shall lie on it, you shall bear their iniquity. For I have laid on you the years of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, three hundred and ninety days. So you shall bear the iniquity of the house of Israel. 6 And when you have fulfilled them, lie again on your right side, and you shall bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days; a day for a year; a day for a year, I have set for you.
So we see he is told about 390 and 40 years of judgment for a total of 430 years. Each day was expressly to represent a year of judgment against the nation. Now we know they did 70 years in Babylonian Captivity, as part of the punishment for not letting the land rest. That leaves 360 years (430 minus 70 time served) unaccounted for.
The 360 years do not seem to fit any period of Israel’s history. It has been suggested by some that there might be a clue in Leviticus 26, where God indicates that: …if ye will not yet for all this hearken unto me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins. — Leviticus 26:18. So if we take 7 times the 360 years we end up with (7x360) = 2520 years.
These “problem” 360 years by seven yields 2520 years, is “approximately” the duration of time from the exile of Judah to the final re-establishment of Israel in her own land, some two and half centuries later.
Sir Robert Anderson, in his classic work The Coming Prince, noted that the Bible uses 360-day years in both Genesis and Revelation. We call that a prophetic year.
In attempting to reconcile the 2520 of 360-day years to our Roman calendar, one is faced with the discrepancies between the sidereal year and the solar year. In 1572, it was recognized that errors had accumulated to 11 days too many, and adjustments were required.
In the Gregorian Reform, September 4th was declared September 14th, and the formula for leap years was changed to exclude centuries unless divisible by four (and millennia by 400).
So 2520 years of 360-days each contain 907,200 days, which are equal 2483 years, 9 months and 21 days on our to current solar calendar.
2520 years x 360 days in a year = 907,2000 days.
Another problem occurs when we examine more closely the “Babylonian Captivity.” There are two different invasions that are candidates:
1) “Servitude of the Nation,” in 606 BC.
2) “Desolations of Jerusalem.” in 587 BC
Each of these was prophesied to be seventy years in duration and most people think they refer to the same time. There were actually three sieges of Nebuchadnezzar upon Jerusalem.
Servitude of the Nation in 606 BC.
The first siege began the “Servitude of the Nation” and was prophesied to last 70 years.
The first siege of Nebuchadnezzar, in 606 B.C., began the “Servitude of the Nation,” which lasted until the summer of 537 B.C. The invasion of 606 B.C. left Jerusalem intact with a vassal king installed..
If we count from the Fall of the Nation ending 70 years later a total 907,200 days we arrive at May 14th 1948. On May 14, 1948, the nation Israel was reestablished on the world scene. But it did not include all of Jerusalem.
Desolations of Jerusalem in 587 BC. The third siege of Nebuchadnezzar, in 587 B.C., began the “Desolations of Jerusalem,” which lasted until 518 B.C. If August 16, 518 B.C. was the completion of the walls of Jerusalem. The vassal king that Nebuchadnezzar left later rebelled; a second siege resulted in his uncle, Zedekiah, being appointed to the throne. The prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel both went on to warn that if they persisted in rebelling against Nebuchadnezzar the city of Jerusalem would be destroyed. Zedekiah ultimately yielded to the false prophets and rebelled.
A third siege resulted in the destruction and desolation of the city of Jerusalem in 587 BC.
The “Desolations of Jerusalem” also lasted 70 years, until Nehemiah ultimately succeeded in getting the authority to rebuild the city of Jerusalem. This, too, was precisely 70 years.
The third siege of Nebuchadnezzar, in 587 B.C., began the “Desolations of Jerusalem,” which lasted until 518 B.C. If August 16, 518 B.C. was the completion of the walls of Jerusalem, then 907,200 years later puts us at June 7th 1967.
On June 7, 1967, as a result of the Six Day War, the Biblical city of Old Jerusalem was restored to the nation.
It should be borne in mind that the “starting” dates are not known precisely to the day. Behold, he that keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. — Psalm 121:4

Judas Iscariot revisited and Joseph, son of Jacob
After reading and studying more about Judas and wondering about his past I have ran across some interesting possible facts.
It is a stretch, possibly, to consider Judas as an anti-typical Joseph but consider on what side of the story we are in. When looking at Joseph's story, the bible follows Joseph to Egypt. We get to see how Joseph handles jail and the dream interpretation thing. If the story stayed in Canaan with the remainder of the brothers, we would probably see the sadness of Jacob and the pitiful countenance of the brothers with what they have done. Assuredly all of the brothers were not in full agreement with what occurred but not much could be done after the deed. The leader of the plan for many years would have taken the lead in a show of given authority knowing secretly how he had obtained it. Those following would have blackmail for a number of reasons. The story at home in Canaan would be difficult and rife with discontent and trouble.
I would argue that we, as humans, are on that side of the story.
Would it not be appropriate to end a nation that started out with 12 brothers with another set of 12 "brothers" so to speak? Jesus was the ultimate prophet and due to particular errors promulgated in the bible, Jesus would have to do things that were bigger than words to get across certain elements he needed us to know. Maybe the answer to Judas' situation lies in the story of Joseph and the betrayer was not Judas but the 11 disciples that allowed Judas to take the fall.
Maybe the story of Judas death was like his multi colored coat covered with lamb's blood that was given to Jacob. Its not true.
Maybe the disciples, in their attempt to reconcile their incorrect views attempted to push the story of Jesus Christ all the stronger to somehow quiet the blood of this Judah.
Interestingly, the story of Judas always follows Jesus Christ but according to the common person, its always to the negative. Maybe we continue to hold on to Joseph's coat because its what we were told. Maybe the mystery was solved before it began.
In the gospel of Judas, it was interesting that Judas remarked of a dream he had where the eleven other apostles were stoning him. Similar in tone to Joseph's dreams where the other brothers were bowing to him.
I must admit this is not a popular view. I have yet to see a similar view online as to the similarities of the 12 apostles to 12 sons of Jacob.
Just a thought....
- Judas was possibly the son of Simon the Leper.
- Simon the Leper was a Pharisee.
- Judas' father may have not had a complete heart toward Jesus although healed by him.
- Lazarus was somehow associated with Simon in a rich man, poor man style relationship. Lazarus was probably Simon's slave along with his sisters, Martha and Mary, who may have gotten a raw and sickly deal.
- The incidents at the meal in Bethany happened the same night.
- Judas was rich and possibly running from his father's expectations.
- Judas was part of the twelve but not a Galilean so was an outsider.
- Due to Judas status, the other apostles may not have excepted Judas' discipleship as true and would have reasonably considered him a spy.
- Judas handled the money because he was already rich. Instead of taking money, he may well have been contributing money.
- What we don't know about the relationship of Judas to the other eleven apostles may well be mirrored in the story of Joseph, son of Jacob, to his eleven brothers.
- Joseph was Jesus' earthly father's name, so the story of Joseph and his brothers was probably given a little more emphasis in Jesus' home. Also due to Jesus' father dying before Jesus' baptism, the selecting of twelve apostles in the style of the twelve sons of Jacob, may have paid homage in a small way to Jesus' earthly father.
It is a stretch, possibly, to consider Judas as an anti-typical Joseph but consider on what side of the story we are in. When looking at Joseph's story, the bible follows Joseph to Egypt. We get to see how Joseph handles jail and the dream interpretation thing. If the story stayed in Canaan with the remainder of the brothers, we would probably see the sadness of Jacob and the pitiful countenance of the brothers with what they have done. Assuredly all of the brothers were not in full agreement with what occurred but not much could be done after the deed. The leader of the plan for many years would have taken the lead in a show of given authority knowing secretly how he had obtained it. Those following would have blackmail for a number of reasons. The story at home in Canaan would be difficult and rife with discontent and trouble.
I would argue that we, as humans, are on that side of the story.
Would it not be appropriate to end a nation that started out with 12 brothers with another set of 12 "brothers" so to speak? Jesus was the ultimate prophet and due to particular errors promulgated in the bible, Jesus would have to do things that were bigger than words to get across certain elements he needed us to know. Maybe the answer to Judas' situation lies in the story of Joseph and the betrayer was not Judas but the 11 disciples that allowed Judas to take the fall.
Maybe the story of Judas death was like his multi colored coat covered with lamb's blood that was given to Jacob. Its not true.
Maybe the disciples, in their attempt to reconcile their incorrect views attempted to push the story of Jesus Christ all the stronger to somehow quiet the blood of this Judah.
Interestingly, the story of Judas always follows Jesus Christ but according to the common person, its always to the negative. Maybe we continue to hold on to Joseph's coat because its what we were told. Maybe the mystery was solved before it began.
In the gospel of Judas, it was interesting that Judas remarked of a dream he had where the eleven other apostles were stoning him. Similar in tone to Joseph's dreams where the other brothers were bowing to him.
I must admit this is not a popular view. I have yet to see a similar view online as to the similarities of the 12 apostles to 12 sons of Jacob.
Just a thought....
The first seal was opened in the 1700s
I have written before of the 2300 year prophecy and its ramifications of bringing us to the 1700s as the beginning of earth changing things. I also have written that the first seal was opened sometime in the first century. This may be incorrect. I think the two periods correlate. It is very possible that the first seal was broken in the 1700s after the ending of the 2300 year prophecy. It would make sense. The heavens would be cleansed of all the satanic rabble and the cleansing of the earth could begin, which is the opening of the seven seals.
Desperately Seeking Chellevette
No its not a car or a new fancy razor. Its my Shell!
She left in a flurry of misunderstanding and confusion.
So much has happened since her departure.
At least in my soul.
I found Christ.
Not the Christ from the many pages of that magazine.
But the true Christ that overwhelms hearts.
I hope my Shell is happy!
She is a part of me and forever will be.
So I must wait to share what I have learned.
She left in a flurry of misunderstanding and confusion.
So much has happened since her departure.
At least in my soul.
I found Christ.
Not the Christ from the many pages of that magazine.
But the true Christ that overwhelms hearts.
I hope my Shell is happy!
She is a part of me and forever will be.
So I must wait to share what I have learned.
Mark of the Beast, Not what ya think
I have been considering this mark of the beast for a while and in my thoughts have considered many views which included micro chips and tattooed bar codes. They all seemed far-fetched because they never seemed to go deep enough into the issue.
Some of the facts that led me to discover the below passage and to get very close to how this mark will effect each and every one of us on the planet are as follows.
1) The beast is government rulership. The beasts have always been related to human rulership of all sorts. Most scholars would agree. So the mark is very closely related to being owned or used by the beast in some permanent capacity.
2) Our form of monetary exchange will have to fall as embodied by Babylon the Great. This HAS to happen in order to make way for the MARK!
In essence, humans will become the new rate of exchange between countries. Population control will be the new stock exchange.
I searched and found the below snip out of an interesting book.
"It is in a volume of money keeping even pace with advancing population and commerce, and in the resulting steadiness of prices, that the wholesome nutriment of a healthy vitality is to be found. The highest moral, intellectual, and material development of nations is promoted by the use of money unchanging in its value."
"It may be impossible to devise any system through which the volume of money shall always increase or decrease in corresponding ratio to the increase or decrease of all those things to measure which is its function. If it be admitted that the volume of money should increase in proportion with either wealth, commerce, or population, the least measure of increase would be that based on population, as in commercial countries both wealth and exchanges are multiplied more rapidly than population. The narrower measure of increase would probably be the more accurate one, as the thing to be measured and which it is important should have an unvarying value is human effort, and as that can neither be increased nor diminished except through and increase or diminution of the population, it would seem that the volume of money should only vary with population"
Philosophy of Price, and Its Relation to Domestic Currency, By Nelson A. Dunning
The new Keynesian views on "Bancor" leave enough room that it isn't disclosing the underlying value of the monetary unit. It could well be that population determines a country's exchange rates. The IMF is currently looking very seriously at Keynesian processes.
Some of the facts that led me to discover the below passage and to get very close to how this mark will effect each and every one of us on the planet are as follows.
1) The beast is government rulership. The beasts have always been related to human rulership of all sorts. Most scholars would agree. So the mark is very closely related to being owned or used by the beast in some permanent capacity.
2) Our form of monetary exchange will have to fall as embodied by Babylon the Great. This HAS to happen in order to make way for the MARK!
In essence, humans will become the new rate of exchange between countries. Population control will be the new stock exchange.
I searched and found the below snip out of an interesting book.
"It is in a volume of money keeping even pace with advancing population and commerce, and in the resulting steadiness of prices, that the wholesome nutriment of a healthy vitality is to be found. The highest moral, intellectual, and material development of nations is promoted by the use of money unchanging in its value."
"It may be impossible to devise any system through which the volume of money shall always increase or decrease in corresponding ratio to the increase or decrease of all those things to measure which is its function. If it be admitted that the volume of money should increase in proportion with either wealth, commerce, or population, the least measure of increase would be that based on population, as in commercial countries both wealth and exchanges are multiplied more rapidly than population. The narrower measure of increase would probably be the more accurate one, as the thing to be measured and which it is important should have an unvarying value is human effort, and as that can neither be increased nor diminished except through and increase or diminution of the population, it would seem that the volume of money should only vary with population"
Philosophy of Price, and Its Relation to Domestic Currency, By Nelson A. Dunning
The new Keynesian views on "Bancor" leave enough room that it isn't disclosing the underlying value of the monetary unit. It could well be that population determines a country's exchange rates. The IMF is currently looking very seriously at Keynesian processes.
The Fourth Dimension
I have been enthralled to learn about fourth dimensional thinking. In discussing and researching around the web, I have discovered two main determinations for what the fourth dimension is. One theory is that it is our concept of time. The other is that it is the spiritual realm.
First and foremost I keep my Lord Jesus as a cornerstone of my faith. I understand that this world is heavily influenced by evil spirits that are trying to reeducate us and turn us from the true faith. That is why I give this mode of thinking a serious once over.
The terminologies that are used in this field are man-made. No one, I repeat no one on this earth has a clear cut idea on how dimensions really work. Only God has that sort of perspective and we are so far from that perspective it aint even funny.
What my goal here is to try to explain the fourth dimension from a point of view that has God as the creator of all things. Due to the scientific background of such information, some explainations of 4D can leave God out for a more Darwinian approach which is actually a point of view within the 4D explaination, but it is not all of it.
Before getting into that, let us build up from the most simple forms of dimensional points-of-view or POV.
First there is 0 dimension. Which basically is a point. Imagine a dot on a piece of paper. There is either a dot or no dot. If the dot was a being, then the being would either exist or not exist.
Next we have 1 dimension. This is basically a flat line. Imagine a line on a paper. It could be of any size as long as it is a line. If it were a being, its perspective would only be able to see 0 dimensional objects because it POV is stuck to its plane of view which is along its line. If something were to pass through its POV then it would only see different color dots or nothing.
Up next is the 2 dimension. 2 dimensions give us more detail as to what a line is cause now we can see the line as a flat picture like a square or circle. You could even create a complicated drawing on a flat surface but look at that drawing from the side of the paper and it virtually disappears because its only 2 dimensions. From the perspective of the 2 dimensional figure, it would only see the other objects on the paper with it which look like varying sizes of lines surrounding it. It sees in a 1 dimensional fashion.
Just a note. The explainations I give as to how dimensions work is taken from things that are familiar to us, because in reality, God designed humans to live in our own dimension. We can interact to a certain degree with other dimensions but it is very limited. Speaking of which....
Now is the 3rd dimension. We should be very familiar with this, because this is our home. The 3rd dimension untethers the 2d plane restrictions. Movement can happen in every direction. The very design of this dimension is the playground for God's creations from the planets, the sun, to every molecule in your body. All of the laws of physics reside here. Interestingly enough, we as 3D beings, only see in 2D although living in a 3D world. This is why we cannot see the back of someone when looking at their front. How do we know we are in a 3D world? Well God designed our senses, even our eyes (he gave us two), to perceive the dimension we live in with accuracy. We can experience with joy the way all his creation feels, sounds, smells like, tastes like. Life happens here.
We can created 3D objects like cars and buildings from 2D drawings and plans. We imagine in 3D but create from a 2D starting point. We even get computers to create realistic scenes and even people in a computer generated 3D model. The code behind them is advanced 2D algorithms. We have advanced even to the point of inserting ourselves into the very games we create with movement recognizing interfaces. Its only a similation though. An important note about this is that of all the advanced 2D objects created, the best would be those leading to artificial intelligence, because it mimics our 3D world closely and may allow us to slip into our own creations as well.
The 4th dimension will follow the same basic principles as the first 3. It can peer into the 3rd. It has knowlege of the inner workings of the 3rd. It can interact with the 3rd. The 3rd D cannot see the 4th dimension. We can see a representation of the 4th dimension in the 3rd. 3D can sense the 4Dimension's limitations the same as the other dimensions are limited by the dimension above it.
Some have argued that the fourth dimension is time. I think time is solely a perception of the 3rd dimensional beings. We perceive time as the sun going across the sky and creating a day divided by hours. When in reality we are on a spinning rock in amongst other spinning rocks spinning around a sun in a galaxy that is flying alongs side other galaxies in an unknown universe. Its all material or physical.
If the 4th dimension is not time, then what would best suit it? If we look at the other dimensions and how the next up dimension added to its usefulness or intelligence, we will see that the overall idea is that each successive dimension gets better and more detailed. The 1 dimensional line could be as short as it wanted to be or as long as it wanted to be. The 2 dimensional figure could be as simple as a stick figure or as complicated as a computer program. We as 3 dimensional beings have been given free will to be as rotten as we can be or as loving.
This is where the change happens. As a 3 dimensional being we can either rest on the material aspect of ourselves or look to a spiritual solution. This is what is so damaging about the Darwinian concept. It damns us to a material, fittest-will-survive mentality.
The 4th dimension is a spiritual dimension and, I believe, has beings in it. I don't think these beings have bodies like ours. They wouldn't need them. I do think they have conciouses that work a particular kind of way. The 3rd dimension mimics this concience because of their influence on us. It presents itself in our affinity for class and hierarchy.
Humans display this in the simplest ways of just being better at something than somebody else. They also display this in more complicated ways by setting up coorporations or political governments. We have had this influence in our life since the day Satan whispered in Eve's ear. "You can be like God". Since then, the 4th dimension has play havoc with human behavior. Our behaviors can make us as simple as a stick figure or as complicated as a 3D model on a computer screen. Our behaviors and possibly DNA within this 3D realm determine how the 4th dimensional creatures interact with us.
Thank goodness Jesus created a way for us to overcome. Jesus died for all the worlds sins and that all we needed to do was believe in him. Jesus gave us another choice that was counter to the one that Satan gave us so many years earlier.
The 4th dimension, to me, represents a choice. To rely on finding oneself through attaining the ultimate knowlege, or to humbling oneself to understanding the true peace that Jesus offers. The hardest thing is that the goals for one or the other are very closely matched such as unity, good will, and a moral code. The difference is that one takes you down the path of ruling your neighbor and the other is loving your neighbor.
Another thing, we often see the act of climbing up (prominence) as better because of our 3 dimensional perspective. Satan, being as what I believe in the 4th dimension, can make it seem as better although in his reality it maybe climbing down or rather in. Whereas climbing down (humility), in our POV, may be the better option.
First and foremost I keep my Lord Jesus as a cornerstone of my faith. I understand that this world is heavily influenced by evil spirits that are trying to reeducate us and turn us from the true faith. That is why I give this mode of thinking a serious once over.
The terminologies that are used in this field are man-made. No one, I repeat no one on this earth has a clear cut idea on how dimensions really work. Only God has that sort of perspective and we are so far from that perspective it aint even funny.
What my goal here is to try to explain the fourth dimension from a point of view that has God as the creator of all things. Due to the scientific background of such information, some explainations of 4D can leave God out for a more Darwinian approach which is actually a point of view within the 4D explaination, but it is not all of it.
Before getting into that, let us build up from the most simple forms of dimensional points-of-view or POV.
First there is 0 dimension. Which basically is a point. Imagine a dot on a piece of paper. There is either a dot or no dot. If the dot was a being, then the being would either exist or not exist.
Next we have 1 dimension. This is basically a flat line. Imagine a line on a paper. It could be of any size as long as it is a line. If it were a being, its perspective would only be able to see 0 dimensional objects because it POV is stuck to its plane of view which is along its line. If something were to pass through its POV then it would only see different color dots or nothing.
Up next is the 2 dimension. 2 dimensions give us more detail as to what a line is cause now we can see the line as a flat picture like a square or circle. You could even create a complicated drawing on a flat surface but look at that drawing from the side of the paper and it virtually disappears because its only 2 dimensions. From the perspective of the 2 dimensional figure, it would only see the other objects on the paper with it which look like varying sizes of lines surrounding it. It sees in a 1 dimensional fashion.
Just a note. The explainations I give as to how dimensions work is taken from things that are familiar to us, because in reality, God designed humans to live in our own dimension. We can interact to a certain degree with other dimensions but it is very limited. Speaking of which....
Now is the 3rd dimension. We should be very familiar with this, because this is our home. The 3rd dimension untethers the 2d plane restrictions. Movement can happen in every direction. The very design of this dimension is the playground for God's creations from the planets, the sun, to every molecule in your body. All of the laws of physics reside here. Interestingly enough, we as 3D beings, only see in 2D although living in a 3D world. This is why we cannot see the back of someone when looking at their front. How do we know we are in a 3D world? Well God designed our senses, even our eyes (he gave us two), to perceive the dimension we live in with accuracy. We can experience with joy the way all his creation feels, sounds, smells like, tastes like. Life happens here.
We can created 3D objects like cars and buildings from 2D drawings and plans. We imagine in 3D but create from a 2D starting point. We even get computers to create realistic scenes and even people in a computer generated 3D model. The code behind them is advanced 2D algorithms. We have advanced even to the point of inserting ourselves into the very games we create with movement recognizing interfaces. Its only a similation though. An important note about this is that of all the advanced 2D objects created, the best would be those leading to artificial intelligence, because it mimics our 3D world closely and may allow us to slip into our own creations as well.
The 4th dimension will follow the same basic principles as the first 3. It can peer into the 3rd. It has knowlege of the inner workings of the 3rd. It can interact with the 3rd. The 3rd D cannot see the 4th dimension. We can see a representation of the 4th dimension in the 3rd. 3D can sense the 4Dimension's limitations the same as the other dimensions are limited by the dimension above it.
Some have argued that the fourth dimension is time. I think time is solely a perception of the 3rd dimensional beings. We perceive time as the sun going across the sky and creating a day divided by hours. When in reality we are on a spinning rock in amongst other spinning rocks spinning around a sun in a galaxy that is flying alongs side other galaxies in an unknown universe. Its all material or physical.
If the 4th dimension is not time, then what would best suit it? If we look at the other dimensions and how the next up dimension added to its usefulness or intelligence, we will see that the overall idea is that each successive dimension gets better and more detailed. The 1 dimensional line could be as short as it wanted to be or as long as it wanted to be. The 2 dimensional figure could be as simple as a stick figure or as complicated as a computer program. We as 3 dimensional beings have been given free will to be as rotten as we can be or as loving.
This is where the change happens. As a 3 dimensional being we can either rest on the material aspect of ourselves or look to a spiritual solution. This is what is so damaging about the Darwinian concept. It damns us to a material, fittest-will-survive mentality.
The 4th dimension is a spiritual dimension and, I believe, has beings in it. I don't think these beings have bodies like ours. They wouldn't need them. I do think they have conciouses that work a particular kind of way. The 3rd dimension mimics this concience because of their influence on us. It presents itself in our affinity for class and hierarchy.
Humans display this in the simplest ways of just being better at something than somebody else. They also display this in more complicated ways by setting up coorporations or political governments. We have had this influence in our life since the day Satan whispered in Eve's ear. "You can be like God". Since then, the 4th dimension has play havoc with human behavior. Our behaviors can make us as simple as a stick figure or as complicated as a 3D model on a computer screen. Our behaviors and possibly DNA within this 3D realm determine how the 4th dimensional creatures interact with us.
Thank goodness Jesus created a way for us to overcome. Jesus died for all the worlds sins and that all we needed to do was believe in him. Jesus gave us another choice that was counter to the one that Satan gave us so many years earlier.
The 4th dimension, to me, represents a choice. To rely on finding oneself through attaining the ultimate knowlege, or to humbling oneself to understanding the true peace that Jesus offers. The hardest thing is that the goals for one or the other are very closely matched such as unity, good will, and a moral code. The difference is that one takes you down the path of ruling your neighbor and the other is loving your neighbor.
Another thing, we often see the act of climbing up (prominence) as better because of our 3 dimensional perspective. Satan, being as what I believe in the 4th dimension, can make it seem as better although in his reality it maybe climbing down or rather in. Whereas climbing down (humility), in our POV, may be the better option.
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