
Why Jesus had to die

This was an interesting explanation of Jesus atonement and death that seemed to strike a cord with me and thought I would post it here.

When Adam chose to obey Satan, he became Satan’s slave. “Know ye not that to whom ye yield yourselves servants (slaves) to obey, his servants ye are?” Rom. 6:16. As a slave of Satan, Adam lost all of his legal rights, not only to his person but also to his domain. This gave Satan legal authority to rule over man and the earth. If Satan’s dominion was to be revoked, a way had to be found to redeem fallen man and recover his lost authority without violating universal principles of justice. Since Satan was now legitimate possessor of Adam and the legal ruler of the earth, God had no moral right, under His code of justice, to arbitrarily annul it.

Thus a member of Adam’s race had to be found who could qualify to enter suit in universal court and wrest Adam’s lost heritage and dominion from Satan. The government of the earth had been given to man. It was lost by man. It could only be recovered ONLY by a man. But where was the man who could do this? Since Adam was Satan’s slave, all of his progeny were likewise Satan’s slaves. A slave has no legal standing and cannot enter court or lawfully participate in litigation. Thus no son of Adam could qualify to enter the contest. A member of the human race had to be found upon whom Satan had no claim, one who could qualify to bring suit to cancel Satan’s legal jurisdiction over mankind and the earth.

The Problem Solved: The Incarnation

God found a way. “when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons” (Gal. 4:4). Since Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit He was NOT the fallen son of Adam. Therefore Satan had no claim upon Him. But because He was “made of a woman” He was an authentic human being and could therefore qualify as a bona fide member of the human race to enter the legal fight to reclaim Adam’s lost estate.

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