
The Fourth Dimension

I have been enthralled to learn about fourth dimensional thinking. In discussing and researching around the web, I have discovered two main determinations for what the fourth dimension is. One theory is that it is our concept of time. The other is that it is the spiritual realm.

First and foremost I keep my Lord Jesus as a cornerstone of my faith. I understand that this world is heavily influenced by evil spirits that are trying to reeducate us and turn us from the true faith. That is why I give this mode of thinking a serious once over.

The terminologies that are used in this field are man-made. No one, I repeat no one on this earth has a clear cut idea on how dimensions really work. Only God has that sort of perspective and we are so far from that perspective it aint even funny.

What my goal here is to try to explain the fourth dimension from a point of view that has God as the creator of all things. Due to the scientific background of such information, some explainations of 4D can leave God out for a more Darwinian approach which is actually a point of view within the 4D explaination, but it is not all of it.

Before getting into that, let us build up from the most simple forms of dimensional points-of-view or POV.

First there is 0 dimension. Which basically is a point. Imagine a dot on a piece of paper. There is either a dot or no dot. If the dot was a being, then the being would either exist or not exist.

Next we have 1 dimension. This is basically a flat line. Imagine a line on a paper. It could be of any size as long as it is a line. If it were a being, its perspective would only be able to see 0 dimensional objects because it POV is stuck to its plane of view which is along its line. If something were to pass through its POV then it would only see different color dots or nothing.

Up next is the 2 dimension. 2 dimensions give us more detail as to what a line is cause now we can see the line as a flat picture like a square or circle. You could even create a complicated drawing on a flat surface but look at that drawing from the side of the paper and it virtually disappears because its only 2 dimensions. From the perspective of the 2 dimensional figure, it would only see the other objects on the paper with it which look like varying sizes of lines surrounding it. It sees in a 1 dimensional fashion.

Just a note. The explainations I give as to how dimensions work is taken from things that are familiar to us, because in reality, God designed humans to live in our own dimension. We can interact to a certain degree with other dimensions but it is very limited. Speaking of which....

Now is the 3rd dimension. We should be very familiar with this, because this is our home. The 3rd dimension untethers the 2d plane restrictions. Movement can happen in every direction. The very design of this dimension is the playground for God's creations from the planets, the sun, to every molecule in your body. All of the laws of physics reside here. Interestingly enough, we as 3D beings, only see in 2D although living in a 3D world. This is why we cannot see the back of someone when looking at their front. How do we know we are in a 3D world? Well God designed our senses, even our eyes (he gave us two), to perceive the dimension we live in with accuracy. We can experience with joy the way all his creation feels, sounds, smells like, tastes like. Life happens here.

We can created 3D objects like cars and buildings from 2D drawings and plans. We imagine in 3D but create from a 2D starting point. We even get computers to create realistic scenes and even people in a computer generated 3D model. The code behind them is advanced 2D algorithms. We have advanced even to the point of inserting ourselves into the very games we create with movement recognizing interfaces. Its only a similation though. An important note about this is that of all the advanced 2D objects created, the best would be those leading to artificial intelligence, because it mimics our 3D world closely and may allow us to slip into our own creations as well.

The 4th dimension will follow the same basic principles as the first 3. It can peer into the 3rd. It has knowlege of the inner workings of the 3rd. It can interact with the 3rd. The 3rd D cannot see the 4th dimension. We can see a representation of the 4th dimension in the 3rd. 3D can sense the 4Dimension's limitations the same as the other dimensions are limited by the dimension above it.

Some have argued that the fourth dimension is time. I think time is solely a perception of the 3rd dimensional beings. We perceive time as the sun going across the sky and creating a day divided by hours. When in reality we are on a spinning rock in amongst other spinning rocks spinning around a sun in a galaxy that is flying alongs side other galaxies in an unknown universe. Its all material or physical.

If the 4th dimension is not time, then what would best suit it? If we look at the other dimensions and how the next up dimension added to its usefulness or intelligence, we will see that the overall idea is that each successive dimension gets better and more detailed. The 1 dimensional line could be as short as it wanted to be or as long as it wanted to be. The 2 dimensional figure could be as simple as a stick figure or as complicated as a computer program. We as 3 dimensional beings have been given free will to be as rotten as we can be or as loving.

This is where the change happens. As a 3 dimensional being we can either rest on the material aspect of ourselves or look to a spiritual solution. This is what is so damaging about the Darwinian concept. It damns us to a material, fittest-will-survive mentality.

The 4th dimension is a spiritual dimension and, I believe, has beings in it. I don't think these beings have bodies like ours. They wouldn't need them. I do think they have conciouses that work a particular kind of way. The 3rd dimension mimics this concience because of their influence on us. It presents itself in our affinity for class and hierarchy.

Humans display this in the simplest ways of just being better at something than somebody else. They also display this in more complicated ways by setting up coorporations or political governments. We have had this influence in our life since the day Satan whispered in Eve's ear. "You can be like God". Since then, the 4th dimension has play havoc with human behavior. Our behaviors can make us as simple as a stick figure or as complicated as a 3D model on a computer screen. Our behaviors and possibly DNA within this 3D realm determine how the 4th dimensional creatures interact with us.

Thank goodness Jesus created a way for us to overcome. Jesus died for all the worlds sins and that all we needed to do was believe in him. Jesus gave us another choice that was counter to the one that Satan gave us so many years earlier.

The 4th dimension, to me, represents a choice. To rely on finding oneself through attaining the ultimate knowlege, or to humbling oneself to understanding the true peace that Jesus offers. The hardest thing is that the goals for one or the other are very closely matched such as unity, good will, and a moral code. The difference is that one takes you down the path of ruling your neighbor and the other is loving your neighbor.

Another thing, we often see the act of climbing up (prominence) as better because of our 3 dimensional perspective. Satan, being as what I believe in the 4th dimension, can make it seem as better although in his reality it maybe climbing down or rather in. Whereas climbing down (humility), in our POV, may be the better option.

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