I have been considering this mark of the beast for a while and in my thoughts have considered many views which included micro chips and tattooed bar codes. They all seemed far-fetched because they never seemed to go deep enough into the issue.
Some of the facts that led me to discover the below passage and to get very close to how this mark will effect each and every one of us on the planet are as follows.
1) The beast is government rulership. The beasts have always been related to human rulership of all sorts. Most scholars would agree. So the mark is very closely related to being owned or used by the beast in some permanent capacity.
2) Our form of monetary exchange will have to fall as embodied by Babylon the Great. This HAS to happen in order to make way for the MARK!
In essence, humans will become the new rate of exchange between countries. Population control will be the new stock exchange.
I searched and found the below snip out of an interesting book.
"It is in a volume of money keeping even pace with advancing population and commerce, and in the resulting steadiness of prices, that the wholesome nutriment of a healthy vitality is to be found. The highest moral, intellectual, and material development of nations is promoted by the use of money unchanging in its value."
"It may be impossible to devise any system through which the volume of money shall always increase or decrease in corresponding ratio to the increase or decrease of all those things to measure which is its function. If it be admitted that the volume of money should increase in proportion with either wealth, commerce, or population, the least measure of increase would be that based on population, as in commercial countries both wealth and exchanges are multiplied more rapidly than population. The narrower measure of increase would probably be the more accurate one, as the thing to be measured and which it is important should have an unvarying value is human effort, and as that can neither be increased nor diminished except through and increase or diminution of the population, it would seem that the volume of money should only vary with population"
Philosophy of Price, and Its Relation to Domestic Currency, By Nelson A. Dunning
The new Keynesian views on "Bancor" leave enough room that it isn't disclosing the underlying value of the monetary unit. It could well be that population determines a country's exchange rates. The IMF is currently looking very seriously at Keynesian processes.
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