
Possible 2300 year prophesy tie in

"The reason behind the foundation of these Masonic orders was that until 1723 all freemasons had to be Christian Trinitarians (believing in the Father, Son and Holy Ghost). In 1723 freemasonry was declared open to all ‘good men and true who were not atheists or irreligious libertines’ so it remained necessary to believe in a Supreme Being but not necessary to be a Christian Trinitarian. Pope Clement XII found this unacceptable and in 1738 published a Papal Bull known as In Eminenti Apostolatus Specular, which excommunicated all those who were either freemasons or assisted them unless they renounced their freemasonry. This was particularly painful in France where both freemasonry and the influence of the Pope were widespread and naturally freemasons looked for a way of pursuing their Masonic interests but avoiding the dire consequences. It was in this atmosphere that it is thought the Knight Templar Order (and most probably the Malta Order) was established."

This was taken from HERE

I usually don't like to speak about prophetic years and such but because of my background as a Jehovah's witness I must have gotten the bug. I find myself looking at the dates closer and closer trying to put the pieces together. I am really not looking to prove anything just can't seem to stop myself. So here I go.

I have been looking for a possible tie in for the 2300 years that was spoken of in Daniel 8:13-14.

I have looked at what some were saying about the year 544 bc and happened to add 2300 solar years to it. This is a mistake I believe for anyone who is looking at prophecy. Days in prophecy are the same as days for anyone else. It has a night and day. The thing that is different from today and back then is how we count a year.

In the bible a prophetical year is only 360 days. Our calendar has 365.25 days which is a solar year.

Ok now translating that. 540-544 bc was around the time that Cyrus was set to prophetically capture Babylon. 2300 prophetic years later we have 1723. 2300 prophetic years are equal to 2267 solar years.

In that year we have what was called the Masonic Constitution (above). This was a change which I think allowed Masonry to infiltrate all corners of religions and institutions everywhere. The history of masonry is steeped in mystery.

In a sense it rides on the back of religion, economics, business, and all places where power seems to reside. Since 1723 it has seemingly been striving to exist at the top of all of these entities and direct the world from there. Especially where the USA comes into it. Everyone knows that freemasonry was heavily involved in the founding of the country. USA has remained the most powerful entity on earth.

Masonry prides itself on having origins from Babylon itself. I have struggled with who Babylon the great represents. I thought at one time that it was Catholicism because most religions have them as their origin although most won't acknowlege it. Monitarily speaking though it is a hard sell. Freemasonry does though have an economic system and those in power that can control it all over the world.

Interestingly Catholicism even has a hard time keeping Masons out of their ranks. Freemasonry can turn up in the oddest of places but always seems to be at the top of the food chain.

In the bible at Daniel 6:4 it describes the first of 4 beasts. This beast was to eventually walk like a man and have the heart of a man. Interestingly the king of Babylon, Nebechadnezzar, also like that ate grass like a beast for 7 years and eventually came around and became like a man again. Today there is one thing that most humans grapple with that is very similar to this. It is Evolution.

Evolution is the study of how man evolved from some sort of beast to walk upright and eventually become a man like we are today. Darwinism eventually developed from this to give us the "survival of the fittest" montra. This creates a system for the elite so that they can continue to opress individuals they feel are less than themselves in good conscience. The history of evolution and Freemasonry is tied together with humanism or nature worship.

I don't know how such an integrated system such as Babylon the Great could be burned and destroyed if it is so interconnected with existing systems. I guess we should be prepared for amazement. How ever it works, all of its works will be revealed in the process of it being destroyed.

If by chance 1723 was the date that the holy place was cleansed, then what occured? Well Adventists now believe that the holy place was heaven. If this is so then the holy place was cleansed at that time. Dan 8:14. This means that Satan was kicked out and thrown to earth at that time. This would coincide with the rise of the pervasive Freemasons.

This is just one of many theories out there of the possibilities of the 2300 days...

I leave the rest up to you...


  1. Hi brother !
    The "2300 evenings and mornings" are not 2300 years !

    They have to do with the Great Tribulation.
    the GT have the alloved time long as "7 times",
    the same period is spoken as "3 times and half" or "1260 days"
    That shows as that "7 times" may also be spoken as "2520 days" , or 2 times the "1260 days"

    SO, the GT last for "7 times", that is "2520 days" (all simbolically)

    the "2300 days" is a shorter period than "2520 days"

    WHY THAT ??

    BECAUSE Jesus has promised that the time of GT will be shortened for the sake of the "chosen ones" , that means that ,
    in a certain sense ,
    the foretold "7 times(2520days)" of GT will be shortened to "2300days" !!

    Now , we are to find HOW is it shortened ?
    In Daniel 8:14 is given THE ANSWER !
    At the end of 2300 days , the Temple will be cleansed , that is , at that time , the operation of cleansing the TEMPLE DOES START under Jesus supervision !

    That means Jesus is coming at The Temple before than 2520 days , or , at the 2300 days !

    And his coming at the Temple means a certain light revelation from His part , because that is the judgement "the light is come in the world..." and some receive and believe it , and some not !

    Please do search these issues , because I am not able to speak them coherently in english.
