
New hoodie fad is evil and dangerous

I know most folks would think the following video is just a fad and something that will just disappear. It is a new type of hoodie jacket. This hoodie zips up the head of the wearer which allows a person to hide their identity pretty easily. I think the following is bad for several reasons.

I hate sounding like a conspiracy theorist. At some point we gotta start looking at things for what they are. Hoodies of this nature are not needed. Matter of fact if they never entered mainstream, they would not be missed. The media is pushing this element into society and targeting young minority males. This will catch on in exactly the places it should not and these hoodies will turn up in a violent crime. It is guaranteed. Please review the following and be aware that there are people behind this product that do not care about you and feel it is necessary to exploit not only the consumers but the people who are affected by the very use of it on the street. The manufactures need for money from this product is second to their driving hate for humanity and Christian Morals.

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