The Trinity is clearly not accepted amongst Jehovah's Witnesses. I held the same views along with many other doctrines. After I left I had to make sure of what I believed and why and be able to discuss with freeness why I believe the way I do.
One of these is the Trinity doctrine.
I have to admit, I was confused on my stance but after prayer and diligent research I am confident without any doubt that the trinity doctrine is false and possibly even Satanic.
To keep things very simple I will explain the two points that made it stick in my brain.
The first is the errancy of the scriptures. It has been said that there are certain scriptures that may have been changed to give support to the trinity. With that as a possibility we have to adjust the lens of our understanding to a wider view of the bible. Which brings us from the questionable scriptures telling us Jesus is part of the God-head, to observing the relationship of Jesus and the Jewish sacrifice system.
Jesus died for our sins. Why was this necessary? It was to absolve us of sins. How did this idea come about? God set this up in Israel under the Levitical priesthood so that it would bring forward the idea we need salvation. So since Jesus died, is he "only" the sacrificial lamb or is he something more? He is also our High priest that offers his own blood to God for our sins forever and this continues today. The only way he can do that is if he is in a mediator position. He cannot do this to himself. Jesus can't be God in order for us to be saved. So if there are scriptures that seem to point to Jesus indicating he is God, then a red flag should go up.
The other point is that of Satan's system. The occult fraternal brotherhoods of all kinds such as Freemasons, Illuminati, and the Jesuits have pagan backgrounds. The pagan religions of the day have many different deities but 3 make there way into the forefront more often than not. They are the triune gods that take the form of a man, woman, and child. Popular names are Horas, Isis, and Osiris. Satan or Lucifer, whichever you like, is often the power behind these individuals and can be any which one is necessary to fulfill the purpose. Satan can change himself into many things to be worshiped, depending on if you want something beautiful or evil.
If the Trinitarian doctrine were given foothold, then it would be like opening the door to the underground cesspool of this occult world to walk in. The ground work would be laid already for Satan to input his own image upon fertile ground.
This is why we must be careful. The trinity doctrine is a mystery for this very reason because it isn't holy it is Satanic.
The Trinity seems like it gives Jesus a higher position because of what he did for mankind but it only removes his purpose as high priest and our redeemer. That is the trickiness of the doctrine.
We don't honor Jesus by praying "to" him, we honor Jesus by how we live our life within his way and tell everyone we know that we have a Savior in heaven that is making our paths straight with God. We must pray through him. We must see him as our Priest and King or Pastor and President depending on what part of the world you are in. We must discover all of the ways that we can become the blessing in the world that we so dearly want for it.
Understand that this is one of many ways that Satan attempts to get between our relationship to God and Jesus. Don't let him!
The interesting thing is that with the current configuration of world control, the old occult story line is falling into place. Horus, Seth, Isis, Osiris. Horus being the Catholic Church. Seth being Israel. Isis being the world wide occult fraternities, and Osiris being Islam. A Satanic machination if I ever saw one.