
The Dragon, the Beast, and the Prophet

Ok, I am about to break down what I believe to be the answer to who the characters are within the scriptures of Revelation 16:13-14.

I already see them at work but was curious as to what their role was toward the end of times. Also there is a conspicuously missing entity that is not a part of the 3 amigos.

First let us have the scripture.

13And I saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs;

14for they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them together for the war of the great day of God, the Almighty.

OK, to get a better idea of the meaning of "unclean spirits" the NWT describes the same words as "inspired expressions". With the fact that these spirits or expressions come from the mouth of these creatures, this can only mean it is some sort of function or motivational mechanism that each creature creates and that manifests itself in the world. Apparently the leadership of the world will be familiar with them and utilize these "things" to a degree. These "things" will apparently be related because they all look like frogs but they serve different purposes.

I can only think of 3 main things that would ultimately fit the bill.

#1 The dragon is discussed at Revelation 12:15 disgorging water from his mouth to drown the woman. It is describing the birth of the Christian religion. At the birth of this religion lies Catholicism which took on all of the qualities of true Christianity and molded it into a more widely accepted religion by incorporating pagan practices. The first frog is Catholicism and it is a direct expression from the dragon.

#2 The beast is the multi-colored mixed up animal with the 10 horns and seven heads that depicts the nations on earth. Lets be more specific. It depicts the system that makes up the behind-the-scenes leadership of the nations. Most leaders are part of a multifaceted hodge podge of fraternities with the most popular being Freemasonry. If we were to investigate, we would find that most leadership around the world are members of one of these various fraternities. These secret fraternities usually incorporate paganism into their practices. They compose the second frog.

#3 The false prophet will begin to act lastly but he was there since the beginning. This was probably the easiest because of the fact that the name is prophet. The prophet specifically is Mohammad and the third frog is Islam. Islam was born in the seat of paganism and incorporates paganism into its process subtly.

There is one missing that I found interesting. That is the Jews or more specifically the Zionist movement. Well they ultimately are different because they spew from Babylon. The law that guides them is heavily derived from the exile in Babylon. The Jews, in this instant, are more readily related to Babylon the Great which is dealt with prior to this scriptural description. Still a couple of verses after these God says he "remembered" her.

So there we have it. The frogs are as follows:
1) Catholicism
2) Secret Fraternal Organizations
3) Islam

They are all related through their hatred for the "true" expression of Christianity. They are related through their ties to early ancient esoteric knowlege. They all promote practices that ultimately have no baring on salvation. They are all expressions of the same devil.

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