
Video of alternate world history

I want to review this video. I have to say that I'm impressed with the production. On the overall information, it is a mix of practically all belief systems. There is a little bit of Jesus, Egyptian theology, global human history, Mother Earth, chakra, aliens, NWO, everything!

To be aware of the things in this video, the makers have had to have some very specific knowledge. I have gotten inspired into discovering the inter connectivity of the NWO, churches, and the saving knowledge of Jesus and how that works.

What most disturbs me about it is that it does give more details to the already complicated picture I had achieved. So it leaves me with questions.

Is this a highly contrived video by the highest elite that is establishing a new age belief system?
They mention Love in the highest regard, so is it intuitive to the lessons of the bible?

For me to accept, it has uphold some basic things and those things relate to the 10 commandments and Jesus two most important commandments, which are Love for God and Love for each other. I have to say that it goes into the very depths on the importance of loving each other but is very light on the love for God... Especially where it comes to Jesus, even though he is mentioned. Jesus is mentioned as a significant part of the process but not as leading the charge to our understanding of God.

I have always said that Satan's lies always include a measure of truth mixed with a distracting untruth.  Satan is very good at what he does and I do believe that this movie reveals a lot of information that mankind has just missed, but there is something skewed about it.

It is quite entertaining in its presentation and the direction of its target. It appeals to the growing segment of people who have been turned off by traditional religion and have started learning about chakras and eastern traditions because the western spell is being broken.

Christianity is a very strong belief system. Satan must flood it to a certain degree. The first flood was just the sheer availability all over the world of the story of Jesus and the Hebrews. The second flood is to broaden the story with Christian elements inside of it.

This video is an example of the later and one of the first to do it. Will it become mainstream? We will have to see.

The oddest thing is the fact that the belief system behind it seems interestingly similar to the structure of the Jehovah's Witnesses. I should know because I was rank and file among that thought process for 30 plus years.

The key to it is how overwhelming the theology is to a newbie which is the appeal to a broken believer. We are heading into a time where there will be many broken believers. It is very possible the people behind this video are hedging their bets. The video is too good although featuring some simple and cute characters.

Unfortunately, there has to be a balance between polish, complexity, and simplicity. As stated in the video itself, there are a few more directions and depths that can be taken from this framework of thought, so don't think this is the only way to approach this vast subject matter.

I am going to go through this video and list all names associated with it. The author has a lot of respect for those who contributed to it, so I will list those individuals or bodies.

Pyramids of Giza
precession of the equinox
Ancient cuniform tablets found in ancient biblical cities
Zecharia Sitchin
Adamus (Count St. Germain)
Tiamat, nibiru, Nephilim
Adam and Eve
Children of Lemuria
Easter island
World War I
Naacals, today Accended Masters
Tree of life
Island of Udal off of Atlantis
Serpent of Light, Drunvalo Melchizedek
Troano Document
Lucifer Experiment, Creation is just conciousness creating and inhabitting itself in that creation
Lucifer is just another means of percieving the reality
Flower of life pattern, The lucifer unraveling
Nova, planetary magnetics
Star tetrahedron
Merkaba, Chariot of Assension
Thome, Thoth's father
Poseidon, city on Udal, Atlantis
Pole Shift
Edgar Cayce
New age
Charles Hapgoode
Allendale SC, Topper
Tantric interdimensional sex meditation
Unity Conciousness
Bermuda Triangle
Weird diseases
11th and 12th dimensions
Christ's Conciousness... (not Christian)
Conciousness Grids, (plan from higher levels)
critical mass
Field of Noetics, IONS, institute of Noetic Sciences
mass conciousness
Nodal points
astral projection
Giza plateu, Khem
Solar Cross
Richard Hoagland
Ley lines
Emerald Tablets
Alchemical transmutation
Missing capstone
Hall of Records
?Lesson 11?
phi/golden Ratio
Christgrid activated 1989
the Greys
peruvian woman
electromagnetic null zone
memories wiped
island of the sun, bolivia
DNA, soul's physical aspect
Indigo and crystal children
Chromosome 46 & 2
abu simbel
Stair step evolution
Tat, toth's son, the Tat brotherhood
paramount pictures
Stone stealy
Larry Hunter
Coynestone, Transylvanian sunrise, Cinamar
Synthetic tools, hook, flagyl
Mystery schools
Dreamtime memory
king menes
300 immortals who went beyond egypt... i am assuming, these are the progenitors of the 300 families who control the world.
Hermes Trismegistus
Essene Brotherhood
Mary and joseph of the Essene brotherhood
Yeshua Ben-Hur
Eighteen absent years of Jesus Christ, LLoyd Kenyon Jones
Lords prayer
Bodie McCoy
Councel of Nicea 300ad
Mayan Calendar
Yucatan Peninsula
13 families
Secret Societies

Jordan Duchnycz
Josef Dolezal
Andrew S. Golden
Drunvalo Melchizidek

OK! Above are the lion's share of the subjects that are brought out in this short film. I would say it is an impressive list of information. After looking more into the details of what is being discussed, It appears to be a very nicely done misdirection for anyone seeking God.

Let me make clear that it is expressed as just a theory... understood; but, this is a very provocative theory with some pretty attractive presentation. Ultimately, this will work to take Jordan a little further up the food chain.

Ultimately, this vid is simply disinformation. It takes the proper focus off of Jesus and the Father of creation and puts in its place the Tat brotherhood and Merkaba. The basis of the understanding is rooted in a foggy look at the higher dimensions.

My theory is that there is no more than 7 dimensions total. Existence is determined in the 0 dimension. The material world we are in is the 3rd. The spirit world is in the 4th dimension and the odd unexplained things happen between the 3rd and 4th dimensions; no further. Heaven's gate is the 5th; represented shabbily on earth as the Sphinx and in the bible as the 4 headed Cherubs. Holy Spirit is in the 6th dimension. Finally, God himself is the 7th dimension. If you count dimension from 0 to 7, it adds to eight dimensions; and 0 to 3 dimensions parallel 4 to 7; like two pancakes on top of each other. Each spiritual dimension has their synthetic/material counterpart. We are made in God's image because our plane of existence is synthetically parallel to his but we are separated because we are on the other side of his spiritual plane. Two sets of seasonal changes could also parallel this idea.

The video argues that mankind's memory has been lost due to this interaction between spirit and synthetic and electromagnetic darkness. Is it true, maybe, but no amount of memory loss; even if mass can erase God's love. It may erase the love to each other sadly. This video doesnt tackle that.

I was initially impressed with the amount of information that was presented and how well it was put together. I still think the polish and animation of this is great BUT the information presented is very Satanic in origin. It is the first of what appears to be a push to repackage Satan's machinations for this new change coming upon the earth. Will it work? Time will tell!

Oh yeah, and the big change is not a new conciousness. It is the opening of the next Seal that Jesus has in his hands. Satan is just trying to brand it before it occurs.

Be well and stay prayed up people!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome video friends, really an great research an taken with a grain of salt Thank You!
