
090909... Huh? What?

Ok. Being in the position I am to review the goings on of the big three elements of Satan/Lucifer's machinations, I know that the occult fraternities keeps track of dates.

This particular date may have some significance. Who knows. The reason I am concerned is due to the number of results you get for searching this date. It may be a fluke.

Lets hope so.

I do know the financial situation has been promised to go into shock. Maybe this will be the surprise. Some sources were saying the end of summer would bring some pretty heavy troubles. Will this date be the turning point?

Anyway I am writing this today to just put my two cents in on the date as well before it gets here.


  1. Hello all !

    A good explanation on english regarding the 666 mark is to be found here above the comment

    by clicking on my name.
