
Satan's Machinations Part 1

The better mouse trap!

It is in our time that the largest battle for the human mind ensues.

It is not for our flesh but for our spirit. Humans are amazing creatures being able to manipulate the material world to an extent and utilize the spiritual world as well.

This may be why we are so unique within this macrocosm.

Although quite uniquely made in God's image one angel didn't exactly feel we were up to snuff. This angel being Lucifer.

Lucifer was created and arrayed with beauty and knowlege and had the privilege of being in heaven and also to partake in the greatest creation of all time. This would be the creation of this material world we know as the universe.

Lucifer, being as fabulous as I'm sure he thought himself to be, was assigned the job of serving these very simple mud creatures by teaching them how to manipulate this physical world of sorts. Besides he was the best angel to do so because of his enlightened state.

He probably thought that this work would be totally demeaning due to being so fabulous. So devised a plan. A plan that would knock mankind off of an easier course but one that would ultimately get back on track.

Satan was ultimately kicked out of heaven and sent here to torment mankind until Judgement Day.

How does he do what he does on earth? How do individuals like me and you fall into his trappings? What are his trappings? How does the machinations come into it?

Well that is what I want to discuss. How does Satan ensnare people to leave God?

Let us take a mouse trap for instance. It is simple. Food based distraction. Most mice are always hungry and that is what gets them.

Humans on the other hand have many desires and for a lot of people it is a little more complicated than cheese. We desire things, material things. Like cars, houses, even more mundain things such as water and food.

Humans should know that ultimately what will save us from Satan's clutches is our perspective on our spiritual wellness. We should also know that we are a unique combo of material and spiritual beings. Satan's job is to make us concentrate totally on our material existances and ignore the spiritual needs of ourselves.

Satan would like us to think that there is nothing spiritual about us. He would like us to think that we are what he says we are. A useless lump of clay. Sadly a lot of humans stop at what they are materially worth instead of looking toward all of the spiritual benefits that can be attained. In essence we cannot see the rest of the open trap-free floor for concentrating on that one piece of cheese.

So how does Satan do this specifically? Well we gotta look. The interesting thing is that his activities can be found because he "MUST" use the material world to control us. This was evident in the garden of eden where he used a snake.

Satan cannot use the Holy Spirit to do anything. It is holy and he is not.

So what in the material world can we attribute to him? Consider the meaning of schemes or machinations. They both mean plans done in secret. So Satan's activity is in the material world but secretive activity.

We are not supposed to know. That is the whole point. Should we attempt to find out? Heck yeah!

Another part of Satan's mouse trap is that he doesn't just use one type of trap. For humans you must use a number of different types to keep us busy. One extremely useful trap is that of group think.

It is kind of like how all of those lemmings throw themselves over the clif. You would think one of em would stop and go, "Hey wait a minute!". Not likely.

If Satan can direct most of mankind down a path, he will direct almost all of them.

Now there are three main branches I have discovered that Satan uses. In fact he has used the same three for centuries. If you look at a lot of the ancient pagan religions, they often pay homage to three types of dieties. Of course they are not all exactly the same but the main players are usually similar.

It is the man, the woman, and the child.

In the egyptian mythology it is Osiris, Isis, and Horus. They are very prominent within the structure of their society and also other ancient societies.

This next part is probably pretty controversial because I am calling some people out because I am going to bring it up to date. Satan is in control of this world at this time according to most biblical scholars that have looked over Revelation. His system could not have changed all that much. As a matter of fact it is world wide and we are at the very beginnings of its world wide influence.

The reason why this mouse trap is so effective is because it encompasses all of the humans activity on the earth. The only way you can break free from it is if you tap into your spiritual relationship with God and attempt to live by those standards against all that your flesh tells you because the whole "material" world has been compromised.

OK here are the big three.

The first one is the system of Catholocism and its liberal counterpart protestantism. This is the religious branch of Satan's government. It seems the closer we get to God the further away He seems. Most religions run in circles to maintain itself versus the members in them.

The second one is the system of occult fraternities. This is the secretive part of society. The part no one talks about. Also this is the secular branch of Satan's government. They do the dirty work of running governments, educating, changing laws, drugs, porn, energy crisis, etc, you name it they do it.

The third is Islam. Islam has been cultivated in the heart of the Arab countries and now seems to be rearing its head. It has always been there but now seems to be part of more mainstream discussions. Islam is currently attempting to work on its PR but still maintains one of the most fervent adherents on this planet. This is Satan's prophetic branch of government.

These elements, just like back in the day with Osiris, Isis, and Horus, are all connected at the top but maintain very different existences. Since all of these elements have grown and developed, the tentacles of what we could be caught up in are numerous and dangerous.

As you can see, Satan's mouse trap has control over much of this material world and is getting ready to sqeeze to see how much he can get us to squeal. I for one am dependent on the lovely promises within the bible to save mankind from the horrors. I have no doubt in my Lord to have the power to save.

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