
My Feelings about the Body of Christ

The body is the body of Christ. The spirit is the Holy Spirit. The One hope is salvation. Grace is oh so important.

Jehovah's Witnesses (like the Catholics) say there is an unbroken connection between the 1st century Christians and today's witness congregation. This is false. The congregation of today's witnesses is a hierarchy. This goes against the simple principle at Eccl 8:9 and Mat 10:41-45. The system within churches, corporations, and governments is similar to a pyramid shaped hierarchical system. This includes the Watchtower with its levels of authority in the system. I don't care how much it is said the brothers are all on the same level. The structure cannot be denied. Hierarchical structures do not belong in a religious setting if it is saying it follows Christ.

Now Paul was given his commission directly by Jesus himself. One of the seven congregations that Revelation 2 talked about was visited by Paul. The others grew under the Holy Spirit. Are you willing to deny that Holy Spirit is able to do this?

This is dangerous because then you would contradict the very words of Jesus when he spoke of what the Holy Spirit would allow us to accomplish. (John 14:26) We have this one spirit not because we are in the same club or fraternity. We are unified because we share the same Holy Spirit and it is expressed in more ways than Jehovah's Witnesses will ever dream to know. Because each accomplishes their dynamic ministry through their particular ability or gift whatever that may be. Not just door to door and informal. Come on!

Let me tell you about my congregation. The body of Christ can be everywhere because it is not bound by knowledge, walls, race, laws, time, generation, or red tape. It is accepting of all people and each member can recognize each other by how they talk about Jesus. You can tell when someone is "not" part of the body because they have no love for Jesus. We are protected as a group because we are not a physically organized group so cannot be zeroed in on. Physical groups like Jehovah's Witnesses can be infiltrated by unsavory characters like pedophiles who obtain positions of authority due to hierarchical structure. Spiritual groups such as the body of Christ can meet together and may even have a congregation but don't need to be highly organized because it is a spiritual thing and we all have a responsibility at the end of the day to Jesus not a group structure.

We in essence are unified in Christ. ANYONE who continues to use the history of the Watchtower as a crutch to confirm they have a special relationship with Jesus (such as faithful and discreet slave) will hold the same judgment as Pharisees because it is the same reasoning. ANYONE who places more emphasis on their own personal qualifications than on Jesus will ultimately deny him. Although they say they follow Jehovah God alone. This is key.

Holy Spirit is not bound by time nor history but it is now at work within the whole body of Christ. I have to get more than a simple history of some off shoot group of people that promotes the name Jehovah which they themselves say is not necessarily the proper pronunciation. I have to get more than your personal qualifications as to how you may be an authority due to your many experiences. The way you discuss our ONE mediator to God is the indicator if you are a part of this body. If you disregard him then you do service with your lips which leads to cold mechanical responses that tend to always relate back to some needed bible study. Why not turn someone with questions to the bible? Why not pray that the Holy Spirit will work with that person? A witness does not have to do all the work from heathen to Savior. Yet most pioneers and Watchtower supporters would rather have someone who weakly accepts their doctrine than someone who intensely wants to find answers to their questions. Its less dangerous to train a puppy than a lion.

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