
Spiritual pyramid is spiritual covering

Keep in mind a typical pyramid structure. Now read the following exerpt from A Review of Pyramid Doctrine by Scott Wallace Brians.

"This structure is in complete disagreement with the family view portrayed by Jesus, the Lord, for the Church. Jesus said that we are all brothers and sisters, and therefore are all on the same level, none higher than the others. This is godly order, as opposed to the chaos
initiated by the pyramid structure... brother - sister - brother - sister - brother - sister or alternatively son of God - son of God - son of God - son of God - son of God. The pyramid structure is an invention of religion. Every religion has it. But Christianity is not a religion. How is it that religious forms have infiltrated the church?

The pyramid structure is one of coercion, one of control, one of manipulation and violence. Since the devil is not omnipresent, he must rely on pyramid schemes to keep things under control. Where the Holy Spirit can work upon all believers simultaneously, and therefore has no need for pyramid command structures, the devil must handle his sheep differently. The devil would like to influence just one person, and have that one person steer the rest. The first appearance of the pyramid structure came with Constantine. Realizing that annihilating the Church was impossible, he decided to co-op it. Mixing Christianity with every other religion under the sun, he effectively destroyed it. Out of this intermingling arose the Catholic Church, which is organized like a civil government, as opposed to the heavenly family. The pyramid structure is the result. When Martin Luther promoted his theses questioning the doctrine of the Catholic Empire, a splinter branch sprouted. But he never questioned the command structure of the pyramid - at least not publicly or effectively. All other denominations and movements (including the independent ones) have done the exact same thing. Some highly intelligent member of the group discovers that doctrine XYZ is incorrect. After perceiving that the internal friction is so great disallowing a correction of the doctrine, he decides to start his own splinter group. At first, his splinter group is described as a sect and so-forth, but once established, it is then accepted as legitimate. Of all the corrected doctrines over the past few centuries, one lie has been left untouched. This is the doctrine of the pyramid structure. And when we consider all the false doctrines, one understands that the false doctrines have one goal - to justify the pyramid structure, and expand its power. This document confronts these schemes head-on.

^ World Level
^^^ National Level
^^^^^ State Level
^^^^^^^ County Level
^^^^^^^^^^ City Level

The pyramid does not end with the local church, but continues to grow unbounded save the confines imposed by the planet earth. There are highly negative consequences to forming pyramids as command structures as opposed to living as Christ and His apostles instructed us. "

This is how dangerous this little doctrine has become and it even exists among the Jehovah's Witnesses. The witnesses do say that brothers and sisters are all equal but is that truly the case. There is irrefutable evidence that the covering doctrine or pyramid doctrine is at work among the hierarchical arrangement of congregation-elders-circuit overseers-district overseers-branch-governing body. This may be downplayed but it exists and plays against Jesus Christ ultimate example of faithfulness.

Galatians 5:1-6 says it well. There is freedom in Christ and you step away from that freedom if you choose to be bound by "law". This law that is spoken of is not the "Law" of Moses but written rules that we take on personally that are given to us or that we make up for ourselves that guide our worship. We seem to think that things done within this "law" such as our activity in the field ministry and obedience to elders has some value to Jehovah. It doesn't. Gal 5:6 states those things have no value but faith operating through love does.

Gal 5:4 mentions "undeserved kindness". I like to use the form of this word in the NIV. "Grace". This is a much more loving rendering of this Greek word and relays how much God does love us and wants freedom for us.

Be aware that preaching against this pyramid structure will not gain you points in this world because so many things in it are within this structure. Have faith in Jesus and have his blood be your covering not some pyramid scheme thought up by Satan. Look outside the context of the Watchtower.

The Watchtower wants you to believe that Jesus selected the Watchtower as your spiritual covering. How can this be when Jesus himself already said that he was all you needed?

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